Geotechnical challenges that could influence the development of your site can include geological environment, ground and groundwater conditions and seismicity. Additional challenges may originate from your particular equipment and infrastructure, e.g. vibrating mill foundations, machinery with limited tolerance for settlement and other design constraints for structural and operational purposes.

Our teams of geotechnical specialists combine extensive knowledge and experience with sophisticated numerical modelling capabilities to develop appropriate, cost-effective solutions for your project. Our services include detailed site evaluation for development, foundation design, preparation of designs and contract management. We also investigate and present specialist and expert opinions for technical or legal disputes. Examples include investigation and geotechnical design for buildings, roads, pipelines, bridges, plant site foundations, wharf and docking facilities, dams and other water retaining structures, shallow undermining and mine closure, as well as for embankments, excavations and tunnels.

For projects in remote parts of the world, our regional experts ensure that local challenges are understood. These may include collapsible, expansive or dispersive soils and karst conditions. Our experts in soil-structure interaction can assist you with the design of tunnel linings, foundations for volume change soils, lateral support of excavations and optimization of construction procedures. Our cold climate geotechnical experts provide specialist input to infrastructure and foundation designs in permafrost conditions. With our widespread geographical footprint, we can provide the appropriate expertise to resolve the challenges on your particular project.


  • Geotechnical investigation
  • Foundation design
  • Lateral support and retaining wall design
  • Borrow material investigation
  • Dam design and safety inspection
  • Excavations and embankments
  • Erosion control
  • Geological hazard assessment
  • Terrain stability analysis
  • Tunnel geotechnics and design
  • Monitoring and instrumentation
  • Land reclamation