Our engineers have strong operational and technical backgrounds and have gained substantial experience in mines employing a multitude of mining methods, exploiting all commodities on all continents. In addition, we are able to draw on the broader skills across our company’s global workforce. These benefits ensure that our solutions and advice are not only practical and workable, but take account of appropriate geotechnical, hydrogeological, economic and environmental considerations.

Our services cover scoping, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies as well as economic evaluations, detailed mine design and layouts, production scheduling and equipment selection, operating cost estimation and capital expenditure estimation. We also have key people pro-actively reviewing improved mining methods outside traditional approaches.

We have developed an innovative and rigorous mine planning methodology that results in a comprehensive technical report inclusive of the life-of-mine plan and techno-economic model for any given mineral resource. The methodology focuses on pit optimization to determine the cut-off strategy, economic mining depth, size and scale of operation. We are dedicated to identify the best option for project development and produce client-focused solutions to technical challenges.

With the growing need to bring projects into production more quickly and on budget, we can accelerate the process for mining companies by supplying quality consultants to supplement the client’s own technical resources to achieve the desired outcomes within the project time frame. Our personnel will ensure appropriate decisions to guide project development are made at the earliest opportunity and are committed to reviewing what aspects of project advancement can be done in parallel to minimize the risk of any rework.


The full range of studies from scoping to detailed feasibility

  • Mine planning reviews and technical audits
  • Development and implementation of optimal mining strategies
  • Operational assistance, reviews and improvements
  • Financial evaluations
  • Risk analyses
  • Project reviews
  • Due diligence
  • Competent person reports
  • Independent expert reports
  • Stock market listing reports